Argh, another quirk of Leopard’s PackageMaker made a broken GRASS package. If you installed to first GRASS Leopard package, delete the in the Applications folder before installing the new one.
Category: Software
Leopard Update #4 – Qgis
Yay! Qgis updated for Leopard. Since Qgis can’t be built 64bits because there is no 64bit Carbon, I opted for a single binary for Tiger and Leopard.
With this, I can work on ironing out problems and filling in holes in the Leopard builds and drop back into maintenance mode. Phwew.
Leopard Update #1.6 – GEOS & PHP updates
Fixed header problems in the GEOS framework (only affects developers, not binaries).
Fixed PHP in PHP5 so it works with all combinations of OSX 10.4/10.5 and standard/server. Nothing has changed in PHP itself, you only need the PHP from the package if you can’t get PHP5 to function (ie on OSX 10.5 Server).
Leopard Update #1.5 – PostGIS & pgRouting update
The PostGIS and pgRouting extensions for Postgres were updated so that they will install over any standard Postgres 8.2 installation (in /usr/local/pgsql). This also fixes the install problem with the new split-build Postgres installer.
Leopard Update #3 – GRASS
A GRASS build for Leopard! This is Leopard-only, and is 64bit-enabled (including NVIZ). I am having problems building a Tiger version, and I may have to install the developer tools on my Tiger Mini to build GRASS (though I want to upgrade it to Leopard).
Leopard Update #1.4 – Rebuild
In the initial build, I used a single binary for Tiger and Leopard, and stripped out the 64bit stuff when installed on Tiger. Not only was that part a bit of a nuisance, but the compilation an assembly of the binaries was quite a hassle.
This rebuild uses separate binaries built specifically for each system version, so the installers are a bit larger.
I also cleaned up a few installer issues.
The UnixImageIO framework has been updated with libpng 1.2.23, giflib 4.1.6 and updates to libtiff to take care of a bug with LZW and overviews.
Leopard Update #2 – MapServer
MapServer 5 for Leopard & Tiger is ready for download. I actually had this built a couple weeks ago. I’ve just been wrestling with the more complex package setup and PackageMaker bugs.
Leopard Update #1.3 – pgRouting
And another of the incremental updates – pgRouting for Postgres. The new source uses cmake for building, and there are problems with that, so this is the same 1.0b version as before, just rebuilt for Leopard. Hopefully the cmake issues can be worked out soon.
Leopard Update #1.2 – PostGIS Problem
Another quick update – the new PostGIS was causing Postgres to crash. Fixed.
Leopard Update #1.1 – Postgres Problem
There appears to be an odd checksum problem in Postgres when using 32bit-driven databases in a 64bit Postgres. I updated the Postgres download with a new upgrade readme (the installer hasn’t changed) with some extra steps for transitioning from 32bit to 64bit operation.