GDAL 1.5.0-3

GDAL was having problems with GeoTIFFs in 64bit mode. I tracked it down to an optimization problem, probably bugs in Apple’s GCC. The only solution I could find was to enable minimal optimization (-O1 for those that know what that means). Hopefully Apple will address this and other Xcode problems soon. Until then, GDAL may be a bit slower than usual.

Another 64bit problem is with the HDF4 format. Corrupt reading, and segfaults on writing. I was able to get writing to work, but there are still corrupt reads. The HDF4 libraries apparently have some known 64bit issues, which will hopefully be addressed in the next version.

PROJ 4.6

First of a series of updates.

New PROJ 4.6. Note that there is a change in behavior in the datum transforms (I believe you must be very explicit now) – see the PROJ mailing list archives for discussion about this change.

Independent of this update, there was a bug introduced in the Leopard PROJ NAD transform functions. Due to the method used to generated the NAD files at compile-time, there was an error reading them on 32bit Leopard, and NAD transforms would be incorrect. Fixed.

GDAL 1.5.0-1

GDAL 1.5.0-1 release is here. And, with some surgery I was able to get Xerces built 64bits (Xerces is used for the GML format). I also decided that Xerces was of limited scope (just GDAL), so it is built into GDAL and I won’t update the Xerces framework for Leopard. This also simplifies the installation of GDAL.

Qgis 0.9.1 test 2

Well, the initial Qgis 0.9.1 build was really messed up. I decided to split the build between Tiger and Leopard. They are separate downloads, so grab your choice.

Hopefully, a Tiger build of GRASS will follow soon. (Qgis on Tiger needs the currently non-existent Tiger GRASS for GRASS support.)

GRASS 6.3RC3 Tiger

Companion to the GRASS 6.3RC3 Leopard package.

I had to install Xcode on my Mac Mini to do it. I hope I can figure out how to get the Tiger build to work on Leopard, or Apple fixes Xcode, because I want to put Leopard on my Mini ^_^