Postgres – and now for something a little different

It occurred to me today that I should separate Postgres and PostGIS. First, they are completely separate software and version changes don’t coincide. Then, there is their licenses – not compatible (I don’t know what I was thinking all this time).

So, Postgres and PostGIS are now separate installers. Nothing has changed in the Postres build, but I changed the PostGIS SQL bits to make future updates a little simpler, and fixed the template scripts.

Aaannndddd, I have a new Postgres extension: pgDijkstra. This is the Dijkstra shortest path extension from the Cartoweb web mapping software. As always, Universal, and Panther and Tiger compatible.

Catching up on some updates

Some updates that have accumulated over the past week.

Postgres updated to 8.2.4.

PHP 4 updated to 4.4.7. PHP 5 updated to 5.2.2.

GRASS 6.2 updated – fixes some linking issues with other software, I also backported my OSX app build from 6.3, so it has an installer now. New GRASS 6.3 build from current CVS – it uses an installer now so it can setup an Apple Help link and put the modbuild stuff in the /Library GRASS support folder. Both versions use the distribution build from source now, so the readme is a bit simplified and the installer doesn’t check for dependencies (frameworks).

R Updates

The R software was updated to 2.5 today. I have updated R packages for GDAL and Postgres available.

I split the rgdal package into a separate download, to make it simpler to update the package, since the rgdal source is not part of GDAL.

GDAL, FreeType and SQLite updates

I moved the JPEG2000 driver back into the GDAL binary – this way it will always be the last resort for JPEG2000 formats, all other JP2 drivers being available as plugins.

SQLite3 updated to 3.3.16-1.

FreeType updated to 2.3.4-1.

Framework updates

A batch of updates this evening.

GDAL 1.4.1. Plus accompanying MrSID plugin update.

SQLite 3.3.14.

PROJ – fixed system error reporting (ie disk errors) so helpful message is output.

Postgres – a small change in the setup so logs are rotated daily, avoiding bloated log files. Note that for existing installations this requires updating the startup item AND a manual configuration change.

GDAL broken, reverted

Somehow the last GDAL framework update broke almost every format. The previous binary still works, so I repackaged it into v1.4.0-10. Since the DODS format is a plugin, and that seems to still work, I left that in. This means that only the previous NetCDF format update is not included.

Framework updates

A few framework updates:

PDFlib updated to 7.0.1-1.

GDAL: updated DAP and NetCDF libraries.

UnixImageIO 1.0.13 – renamed the embedded minimal X11 headers so they don’t conflict with an installed X11.