PROJ 4.6

First of a series of updates.

New PROJ 4.6. Note that there is a change in behavior in the datum transforms (I believe you must be very explicit now) – see the PROJ mailing list archives for discussion about this change.

Independent of this update, there was a bug introduced in the Leopard PROJ NAD transform functions. Due to the method used to generated the NAD files at compile-time, there was an error reading them on 32bit Leopard, and NAD transforms would be incorrect. Fixed.

GDAL 1.5.0-1

GDAL 1.5.0-1 release is here. And, with some surgery I was able to get Xerces built 64bits (Xerces is used for the GML format). I also decided that Xerces was of limited scope (just GDAL), so it is built into GDAL and I won’t update the Xerces framework for Leopard. This also simplifies the installation of GDAL.

Qgis 0.9.1 test 2

Well, the initial Qgis 0.9.1 build was really messed up. I decided to split the build between Tiger and Leopard. They are separate downloads, so grab your choice.

Hopefully, a Tiger build of GRASS will follow soon. (Qgis on Tiger needs the currently non-existent Tiger GRASS for GRASS support.)

GRASS 6.3RC3 Tiger

Companion to the GRASS 6.3RC3 Leopard package.

I had to install Xcode on my Mac Mini to do it. I hope I can figure out how to get the Tiger build to work on Leopard, or Apple fixes Xcode, because I want to put Leopard on my Mini ^_^

GRASS Leopard Installer Fix

Argh, another quirk of Leopard’s PackageMaker made a broken GRASS package. If you installed to first GRASS Leopard package, delete the in the Applications folder before installing the new one.

Leopard Update #4 – Qgis

Yay! Qgis updated for Leopard. Since Qgis can’t be built 64bits because there is no 64bit Carbon, I opted for a single binary for Tiger and Leopard.

With this, I can work on ironing out problems and filling in holes in the Leopard builds and drop back into maintenance mode. Phwew.